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We are the largest commission Warp Knitter in the USA. Producing a wide range of technical fabrics for industrial, automotive and apparel end use. We have Filament yarn warping and Suede(Sand) Warp Knit, Circular Knit and Woven fabrics both dyed and in the greige. We are IOS 9001:2105 manufacturing facility that operates 24/7.
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Manufacturer / Contractor / Sourcing
What Fabrics Do You Sew
Production Methods
ISO 9000 Certified
Quality Control Method
In-Progress Inspection, Standard Quality Control
Machinery & Equipment
Flexible Manufacturing
Advance Ship Notices (ASN), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Purchase Order, Real Time System
Cutting Capabilities
Packing & Shipping
Ship by Common Carrier
Men's & Boy's Apparel
Women's & Girls' Apparel
Children's & Infants'
PPE Equipment & Apparel
Other Clothing & Accessories
Wiping Cloths
Patient Gowns, Scrub Tops, Specialized Medical
Non-Apparel Sewn Products
Front Office
Fabric - Warp Knit
Knit Fabric
Technology Providers
Other Supply Chain Providers