Inspiring Innovation in the MADE IN AMERICA Movementthe latest fromSEAMS & Our Members
SEAMS in the news, happenings, and member highlights

Homtex, Inc. Named Official Mask Provider of U.S. Capitol Complex in Washington, D.C.
SEAMS’ Member Spotlight – Unifour Finishers
SEAMS’ Duncan gauges COVID-19 effect on members, shares vision for smart factory concept
October 2020 Millennial Corner - Forget the stereotypes – Millennials are the future
SourceAmerica - Sourcing Request
Members mixed on prospects of resuming ‘normalcy,’ reshoring traction
August 2020 Millennial Corner - Finding a home in the textile industry possible for younger generation, too.
How has the COVID crisis affected SEAMS’ members?

SEAMS’ Member Spotlight - MMI Textiles